Full Members
All medical practitioners who hold national or international postgraduate qualifications accredited by PMDC and graded specialists(in Pakistan Army) and those who have completed accredited training of PMDC approved qualifications (e.g. FCPS, MCPS, DMRD etc.) and who can produce admit card of examination as evidence (Civilians), (GB 2009) in Diagnostic Radiology, Radiotherapy, Oncology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging. Annual subscription in Rs. 15000/-
Associate Member
Medical graduates who have worked in the Radiological and / or allied subjects for the least 5 years, but do not hold any PMDC accredited qualification. Medical graduates engaged in postgraduate studies in the fields of Diagnostic Radiology, Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine and Scientists having qualifications in basic sciences working in allied medical subjects. They shall be entitled to attend meetings, symposia, and lectures but not entitled to vote. Annual subscription is Rs. 1000/-
Radiographer having qualifications (Diploma, Bsc) from approved university of country, working in Diagnostic Radiology and Allied modalities with minimum experience of 5 years. They shall be entitled to attend meetings, symposia, and lectures but not entitled to vote. Annual subscription is Rs. 1000/-
Life Members
All eligible to be full members(clause 3.1) who pay lumps sum of Rs. 50,000/- (GB 2017) will be admitted by the council to life membership.
Corresponding Member
Shall consist of those who fulfil the conditions for membership as defined in Clause 3.1.1 (GB 2009) but are residing outside Pakistan. Annual Subscription in US$ 100/-
Honorary Members
Persons distinguished for eminent services to medicine and especially to the cause of Radiological Sciences and to this Society may be made honorary members by the approval of the Executive Council.
Members Emeritus
These will be the senior life members of the society who have contributed significantly to the cause of the society. Who, the executive council members recognize for their life-long commitment and devotion.
Radiological Society of Pakistan
The purposes of Radiological Society of Pakistan are advancing the science of radiology, improving radiological service to patients and the medical community.
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